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Ensure your chatbot only recommends in-stock products

What's more frustrating than spending time looking for a product, following recommendations and finally deciding to pull the trigger?

Then BAM!

Product not in stock.

In a real store, your staff would know better than to spend 20 minutes hyping up a product they know is not available. That's just asking for trouble (from the customer and their boss).

So why have so many eCommerce chatbots still not adapted to this use case? A chatbot, with all its capacity to connect to various data sources, should be able to perform this simple task.

With ubisend, no more out-of-stock recommendation for your eCommerce chatbot. Thanks to our platform, you can create a chatbot that:

  • Does the usual question-answering about your products or services.
  • Does the usual up- and cross-selling based on the customers' needs and requirements.
  • Connects to your CRM to create or update customer profiles.

And, also...

  • Connects to your stock database to ensure products are still in stock or if a particular product or range needs to be highlighted and prioritised.
  • Automatically adapt its recommendation engine based on available stock.
  • Alerts you when products are getting near to being out of stock.

Thanks to a simple connection to an additional data source, your eCommerce chatbot can provide an even better customer experience.

Don't leave your customers annoyed and frustrated. Make sure you get that sale, thanks to an adaptable recommendation engine.