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Gated content

Control Access to Your Chatbot Content

Turn your chatbot into an authorised-only resource. Control who can and can't access your chatbot's content; ideal for paid or data-sensitive services.

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ubisend four dots Turn access to your chatbot into a value-add

Turn access to your chatbot into a value-add

Force chatbot users to register and log in before accessing your chatbot's content.

Ideal for generating leads, engaging your audience, or simply creating a sense of privacy among your users. With ubisend's authorisation feature, your users must identify themselves to use your chatbot.

You control how much or how little non-authorised users can see before they are required to register. Tease prospective users with snippets or completely lock your content down; the choice is yours.

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Protect sensitive information

Add a layer of protection to your chatbot's sensitive data.

If your chatbot is powered by internal documents or proprietary knowledge, go the extra mile and require users to register and identify themselves before getting full access.

Need to actively prevent access to specific users? Deny their authorisation or revoke it after the fact.

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ubisend four dots Protect sensitive information