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Document importing

Turn Documents into Conversations

Import PDF documents in a few simple clicks. Make your documents available to download as supporting material or turn their content into conversations.

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ubisend four dots Make supporting material available

Make supporting material available

Create more than simple conversations.

With the documenter importer, make key documents available to your users throughout their conversations. Make it easy for them to access or download files directly from the chatbot.

Does your chatbot handle order returns? Improve the user experience by making the return form available from the conversation. Does your chatbot help users purchase complex products? Make each product's one-sheet PDF available to download.

Make your chatbot conversations more efficient by providing additional PDF resources.

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Turn PDFs into conversations

Use PDF content to create helpful conversations.

As you import PDFs into the platform, their content is accessible in plain text. Tweak the extracted content side by side with the original before turning it into conversations.

Build a knowledge base for your chatbot around the content extracted from your PDF documents. Create FAQs, enrich answers, or make entire documents available to download.

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ubisend four dots Turn PDFs into conversations