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A personal shopper for each and every customer

Having a personal shopper picking out items for you tailored to your taste and requirements is often a luxury experience for the few. Yet, by using chatbot technology, this service could be opened up to the majority.

As chatbots live on any number of channels, websites and even bespoke mobile applications, there are endless possibilities for providing a personal service to every customer that visits your store.

A user can go conversationally through some questions or selections to determine what they like and don't like. Then, based on availability in their chosen store, your chatbot personal shopper can recommend a range of suitable products. If a customer wants a specific item that's not in stock, link to your online page so they can get the item delivered to their door.

Personalised chatbots are proven to have a huge impact. See this chatbot that's generated 30,000 leads and closed over 600 sales autonomously.

By utilising chatbot technology, personal, bespoke service for every customer isn't as impossible at it would seem!