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Leasing Chatbot Increases Website Conversions by 28.3%

Product used: custom sales chatbot.

Note: Though we are under a strict NDA with this client, they have allowed us to write about their project. The only requirement is that, for now, we keep their name private. Enter 'Masked Leasing Company'!

Masked Leasing Company is a UK-based, fast-growing company. As leaders in their field, their website gets plenty of exposure and, of course, traffic -- over 400,000 uniques per month. Out of all this targeted traffic, 96% of visitors leave the website without becoming a lead. Many who interact with their product search function, seem to get lost and give up.

Masked Leasing Company came to ubisend with two goals in mind. First, become a pioneer in their industry with artificial intelligence technology. Second, increase engagement and lead conversion rates. Today, their sales chatbot converts 28.3% of its users into sales qualified leads.

Turning a complex process into a simple conversation

Leasing a financial product is a convoluted process. It involves personal information, personal and financial data, and many important touch points.

As ubisend embarked on this journey, we decided to first focus on making this process painless for the user. Improving call-to-actions, conversions, and sales would come later. We first wanted to make talking to the sales chatbot an enjoyable, coherent, and convenient experience.

There are nine crucial touch points during the leasing interaction. We built and trained the Masked Leasing Company chatbot to handle each of them, monitoring and reporting along the way. When Masked Leasing Company put the first iteration of our chatbot live, they noticed a staggering 52% chatbot user to sales lead conversion rate.

The initial results are impressive, far beyond our imagination. Now we have to focus on sending more people to our chatbot. ubisend helped us not only with the technical things, but with user retention, UX, and conversation optimisation.

Today, for this client, we split our efforts three ways.

We focus on awareness. Over the course of a month, by deploying a full-page chat solution, we managed to 15X the number of chatbot users. As the number of users grew, the website visitor to lead conversion rate stabilised at 28.3% -- an impressive result.

On top of that, we are implementing additional internal chatbot solutions. The wealth of knowledge the sales chatbot gathers about products and the questions people ask, means it can train staff how to sell better.

Finally, improving the chatbot is a constant number one priority. Regular NLU updates and training, language, and UX tweaks are an ongoing process required to keep the chatbot leading the way.

Start increasing website conversions today. Talk to chatbot experts.

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Switching to ubisend to Create Higher-end Chatbots

Jim Rowe-bot are a UK-based chatbot and conversational software company, implementing incredible solutions with the ubisend platform.

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"ubisend can be relied upon to provide clear and accurate communication, no question is considered ‘too small’ and all questions are answered in a timely, accurate manner."

Chris Amos, project manager at Archant Limited