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Allow diners to browse your menu and order their food

Gone are the days when people like a surprise when going out for a meal.

They like to know in advance what a menu has to offer. They want to know whether or not there is space for a reservation and they want to book that space there and then before someone else beats them to it. And, of course, they want all of it now.

With a chatbot from ubisend, you can facilitate these needs and more.

Connect the platform to your booking system and allow people to quickly and easily find the right table time for them and their party and book it there and then.

Upload your menu to the platform and allow potential customers to peruse it at their leisure.

Why stop there?

You can build up a knowledge base of frequently asked questions to allow your customers to ask questions about dishes. What does it contain? What is the allergy information? What is the origin of the recipe?

Finally, why not allow customers to order their food in advance when making their booking or at the table when they arrive?

With a chatbot from ubisend, the pie is no longer in the sky.