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Give your fans access to all the juicy statistics

What is more important to a sports fan than knowing everything there is to know about their favourite team? Quite possibly nothing!

With the right technology, your fans can feel like the 12th man on the team (I'm sorry, I only know football metaphors. Or soccer metaphors, if you're reading this from the US!).

Though they want to know everything there is to know, they don't want it to feel like hard work. Data on their favourite players, favourite teams, best performances, and more, should all be available at their fingertips.

With ubisend, you can create a chatbot that will:

  • Connect to public sports statistic database.
  • Connect to betting site APIs to enable fans to bet when they see an opportunity.
  • Connect to live news updates to bring the statistics to life through current stories surrounding the team or player.
  • Live on accessible channels like mobile messaging applications and social media.

Through this chatbot, your fans will be the first to know key information about their favourite sports.

Of course, this chatbot also lends itself nicely to in-conversation brand promotion. Recommend items, equipment, tickets, and offers to your chatbot users based on the teams and players they ask most about.

Bring the sports fan experience to a whole new level with an interactive chatbot.