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Reduce admin with an internal sales assistant

In any sales team, one of the most significant pain points is admin. It is often an afterthought, forgotten or hastily scribbled and non-standard.

In such a fast-paced environment, it is easily done. Yet, admin is one of the most critical parts of the role.

With the ubisend chatbot platform, you can create your very own personal sales assistant for each team member to use. Map out your chatbot solution to match your sales processes, making it seamlessly fit your sales processes.

When one of your team is on a sales call, they can open the sales chatbot which is connected to your VoIP system & CRM and take notes which are pushed directly into your lead notes.

Your sales team can also book meetings, pull essential data and create deals – all through the chat interface.

Dependent on data considerations, the sales chatbot could even listen to the call, automatically taking notes and providing data from API connections. Even feeding back hints and tips to the SDR after the call.

You can save your sales team hours per week. That means more time calling, prospecting and working on the important but not urgent tasks and creating a better sales experience.