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Chatbot Best Practices: Your Handy Guide to Delighting Users


Build an excellent chatbot user experience

There are features that every chatbot needs to meet its basic purpose.

You can probably survive with just these features, but your users won’t be thrilled by the experience and may face some difficulties in the process. In this guide, we show you the best practices to follow to take your users' breath away.

In this guide, you will discover what chatbots really need to operate beyond fundamental level and delight your users. Providing an excellent user experience should be the target, not the luxury.

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Establish a strong onboarding process

Letting users know what the chatbot is capable of is a start, not everyone will know exactly what they’re doing when they first come across a chatbot.

Users who don’t know how they’re supposed to interact with a chatbot won’t reap the full benefits. Ensure that their experience starts on the right foot by showing them how to communicate with your chatbot.

This guide will teach you to:

  • Not overthink your welcome messages.
  • Keep your messaging simple and clear.
  • Prompt users with tips.

And more.

It’s easier than you think but, sometimes, messages can be overthought and produce a weaker response as a result.

The right onboarding experience will boost your users' chances of benefitting from your chatbot. Failing to do so may keep them from experiencing it at all.

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Create a strong user experience

Presentation plays a significant part in how users approach chatbots. Making it visually coherent and pleasing helps users understand the chatbot's functionalities. They’ll also have a great appreciation of the tool itself.

A professionally thought-out and designed chatbot will keep the users engaged. From simple elements like button labels all the way to complex conversational paths, everything matters in order to create an excellent user experience.

Your chatbot is your brand

The primary purpose of a chatbot is to communicate with a user. Therefore, every chatbot should be capable of fulfilling that task without difficulty.

Your chatbot's knowledge cannot stop there, though. To be truly effective, it must extend its knowledge to potential topics it might be asked about. Make sure your chatbot is geared up to answer all sort of questions with a strong backlog of FAQ knowledge.

Finally, make sure that your chatbot is representing your company to the best of its abilities. This includes the simple things like spelling.

There's more!

Grab this guide to learn the best practices that will make your chatbot shine.