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Spend more time with humans and less time on your systems

By the nature of the department, HR is a beast of processes.

Unfortunately, processes eat up resources and get in the way of the high-value activities. It's hard for you to be there for your staff when you're busy submitting the same form for the eighth time this week.

So, why not automate processes?

Chatbots can handle most of your process automation needs. Most importantly, with ubisend, you can replicate your exact processes into an automated form. No need to adapt or change the way things work.

Our process mapping tool enables you to create fully custom conversations to match your internal processes in a few simple clicks.

Simply break your current process down into single steps, add them to the conversation builder and click save. There's no need to change the way you currently do things. It just becomes 'it's the same as it was before, only you ask the chatbot.'

Chatbots also provide a level of uniformity across the business. By design, they can't forget a step or file something in the wrong place. HR departments appreciate how this cuts down risks of human error while ensuring any legal have been covered.

Thanks to ubisend's unlimited integrations, the entire process will be fully automated - from taking information to updating your HRMS.

Rather than wasting your time on a repetitive process, just have the chatbot do it.