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Automate the process of upskilling your workforce

Upskilling your workforce is less resource-heavy with AI.

The world's always changing. New tech, new processes and new skills are required continuously.

Rather than leaving employees to struggle on alone, or learn from some random source on the internet, businesses are finding ways to share knowledge across their workforce.

With ubisend, you can automate this process. An employee learning new software? Preload your chatbot with approved guides, helpsheets and tutorials. Then, all they need to is ask your chatbot.

Using ubisend, you can:

  • Share approved learning and development materials with specific staff.
  • Broadcast approved materials to an entire team.
  • Allow employees to take control of their learning, with options to reach out if they need to.

With ubisend, you're able to provide staff with a wealth of resources (without them having to sort through a cluttered library).

Occasionally, staff are embarrassed about reaching out for how-to guides. With a chatbot, this worry isn't there.

Chatbots provide an efficient method of upskilling your workforce, regardless of if they're in the office or working remotely.