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Create an SMS Chatbot

Build chatbots for the world's most widely used messaging channel, SMS.

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ubisend four dots Automate 2-way text messaging at scale

Automate 2-way text messaging at scale

Engage your audience in automated 2-way SMS conversations.

With ubisend's powerful chatbot and RPA platform, create automation flows that save your audience (and you!) time. Respond to inbound SMS, engage in entire conversations, or simply send SMS notifications to your users.

An SMS chatbot ensures your users receive all communication, regardless of internet access.

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Build for the most popular messaging channel

Did you know 98% of SMS are open (compared to only 20% of emails)? Did you know 48% of consumers prefer receiving SMS updates from business (only 22% prefer email)?

With an SMS chatbot, you can leverage the world's number one messaging channel and be where your users are.

Start automating your SMS interactions today.

Book a demo
ubisend four dots Build for the most popular messaging channel