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Messaging ApplicationsAugust 25, 2016Written by Dean Withey

Five Ways ubisend Does Mobile Messaging

mobile messaging ubisend

Adding mobile messaging to the marketing strategy of your company does not have to be complicated, time-consuming or expensive.

No need for support from your developers, or a pitch to the finance department for extra budget. For most companies, there is also probably no need to place additional strain on staffing.

Here are 5 ways your company can get started with mobile messaging today.

Table of contents

1. The simple content update

Allow your blog subscribers to receive a message through their favourite messaging application (our research shows they’re ready for it!) whenever you publish a new post.

Setup time: less than 1 hour.

Add a signup form to your website so your visitors can subscribe to your blog and receive updates via their Facebook Messenger, Line, Telegram (or others messaging applications).

Whenever you publish a new post, your subscribers are sent a message with a brief summary of the content, the image (if there is one) and a link to read it on your site, a bit like this:

Facebook Messenger sample update

Auto-magically, all links are tracked by ubisend.

See who is engaged, the time they clicked, see best-performing blog posts and perform list segmentation based on any variables you need. Increase page views and communicate with your subscribers through the messaging applications they like to use.

Start capturing signups from your website and alerting them when you post today.

2. Customer success follow-up

Automatically send your customers a follow-up message through their favourite messaging application to ask them how they are getting on with their recent purchase.

Setup time: less than 2 hours.

Your website and sales processes have bagged you a sale, awesome. Now help your customer service encourage that person to come back and buy something else.

Integrate your current checkout process with ubisend and allow your customers to leave their Facebook (or others) details and drop them a casual message to see if everything is going ok.

With ubisend, the customer will be able to respond directly to your message, and you will get instant feedback on your product through an engaging two-way conversation. A customer success/service dream.

3. Lead nurturing through messaging apps

Automatically send subscribers and customers educational or reinforcing messages about your product/industry/expertise.

Setup time: less than 2 hours.

Have a think about the types of problems your customers usually have, both before and after purchase.

Write a few short messages that will preemptively educate your customers before facing any potential issue. Messages can contain all the relevant information, or can link to online resources (don’t forget, links are tracked!).

The ubisend campaign feature enables messages to be scheduled precisely when your customer needs them. As an example, one on the day of purchase, another two days later and perhaps one more a week after that.

You write the message with the content you need; ubisend will handle sending that message to any, and all, messaging applications your customers choose to use.

4. Promotional messaging

Send a last minute offer or coupon to drive sales to a particular product/service.

Setup time: less than 1 hour.

Struggling to sell the last few items of stock? Want to push a holiday sale or special offer? Mobile messaging allows you to send direct, targetted messages, of which 98% are read within 3 minutes.

There are many ways to do it, here are two:

  • Either link directly to product pages or include an option to purchase through the application.
  • Or, send a coupon or discount code along with a link to the product page to encourage customers to buy right away (and track success).

5. Customer support monitoring

Provide customer support and respond to messages using messaging applications.

Setup time: less than 30 minutes.

Connect your business Facebook (or any other messaging application, or SMS) account to ubisend and open a new channel for your customers to use to get help and support.

Share audio, images and video directly through the application. Enable your customers to take a picture using their phone and send it directly to you, without them having to leave their messaging app.

Engage in two-way conversation and share links to support articles. If all else fails, the customer is already using their telephone, so just give them a call.

Get started today

There we have it.

5 ways your company can start using ubisend and mobile messaging today.

No need for developers, signoff by the hierarchy or the company credit card.

The icing on the cake? All of these can be done at no cost, as it is free to send messages through most mobile messaging applications (at the moment only Viber charges).